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​Here in this place, which is "neither a crèche, nor a day care center, nor a place for consultations", challenging the representations that each one of us may have of his or her own status (nurse, educator, psychologist, social worker, psychiatrist, child psychiatrist, child analyst...), no diplomas or certificates of any kind can be issued. No training programs offered.


Being "accueillant", literally “welcomer” i.e. host, hosting MV person, requires that one distance oneself from a therapeutic, pedagogical or counseling attitude. It requires an analytic position, not meaning it be that of the analyst in the practice of his profession, but implying of course  a reference to the unconscious. This reference to psychoanalysis concerns an experience that is beyond any theoretical knowledge or learning.


The “welcoming function” at La Maison Verte rests on the possibility offered to each participan, such as he is - accueillant, child, parent, carer - to be welcomed by the collective that is present in the space. It is the very functioning of the place that calls for each one to find his or her place not in response to norms, but in accordance with his or her own desire.


This results in a transmission in act, calling to an intimate, personal journey that needs take place for each and every participant.


It is often on the basis of experiences and lived situations that questions will arise, questions which engage the issue of the unconscious and its deployment. And this will require an ability to let oneself be taken by surprise. For instance, hearing an adult talking in earnest to a baby, or a child piping up with the answer to a question that concerns him or her intimately. Also a gesture, a drawing, and a thousand other things... a slip of the tongue, an intonation...


For those who wish to discover or deepen the practice of the welcoming of young children such as in La Maison Verte, several options are available :


​- Something like an internship, but distinct from a university or training curriculum, is eventually proposed to professionals interested in the field of early childhood. Our interns are invited to practice and experience l’accueil together with us.


​- The workshops and colloquia we organise every two or three years, which make it possible to meet, to share, and to elaborate on a given theme on a national or European level.


- Our exchanges with teams who work at other child-parent meeting centres in and around Paris, elsewhere in France, or abroad. One or a few members of the team of accueillants from La Maison Verte go out to work together with the hosting team on a specific theme or issue.


- Information meetings are proposed to future welcomers, academics, educators, physicians, social workers... They usually take place two or three times a year, based on the requests received by the team.

​The next one is scheduled for January 15  2020, from 11 am to 1 pm. To participate, you can call us or send us an email. Then mail a cheque for 20 euros payable to “APEP” (acronym for Association Petite Enfance et Parentalité) to confirm registration.


- The publications of articles, books or DVDs whose references can be found in the “Bibliographie” section in this website.


You can contact us by mail, by email or by phone.


Address: 13 rue Meilhac 75015 Paris.


Phone: 01 43 06 02 82 (during opening times)

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